Civil Service Bowling Club (Chatham)

Bowling at CSBC Chatham

About Bowling at CSBC (Chatham)

Bowls is truly the ‘sport for all’. It can be played by all ages, abilities and sexes, making it ideal for the whole family to enjoy together. It provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people and to enjoy a varied and active social life.

Established in 1935, the Civil Service Bowling Club (Chatham) is run for the benefit of its members with the aim of enjoying the game of flat green bowls.

You do not have to be a civil servant to join us – we welcome members from all walks of life.

Our address, where we share a free car park with ROKO Health Centre, is:

Civil Service Bowling Club (Chatham Area)
Adjacent to ROKO Health Centre
Watling Street
Gillingham, Kent, ME8 6BY

Please contact the club’s New Members Officer, Brian Gunns (01634 234743), or Club Secretary, Michael Link (01634 373396) if you are interested in joining us or have any queries.

Our bowls season starts in mid-April every year and ends in mid to late September. During the year we hold both friendly (men, ladies and mixed teams) and competitive matches against other clubs, both home and away.

On Tuesday afternoons and Thursday evenings we have ‘roll-ups’ when club members play friendly games against each other. Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided midway through the session, free of charge.

The rinks can also be used at other times for practice and casual play, subject to certain constraints (e.g. whether there are matches organised or work is being done on the greens).  We have two coaches who are happy to provide free coaching sessions.

Initially, the club can provide woods and all the other equipment required to play bowls. However, anyone using our greens must wear completely flat (i.e. without a separate heel), soft-soled shoes in order not to damage the green.

If you would like to try the game of bowls, please contact Brian Gunns or Michael Link.

We hope to see you soon …